About us

Our congregation was founded in 1994. A prerequisite for its occurrence was the active migration of Pontian Greeks from the former Soviet Union. It should be noted that the majority of the people was raised Russian Orthodox Church. After his arrival in Greece, people went to church, not knowing that, together with the canonical and noncanonical parishes there - splitting. Then, the Greek Church, drawing attention to the fact that people began to disperse and misled by dissenters, decided to create a parish, which would be the old style and partly in Old Church Slavonic language, but at the same time, would be in the jurisdiction of the Hellenic Orthodox Church. For this he was invited by Fr. Gregory Pigalle, which was charged with creating such a parish.


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Our account for donations:
IBAN: GR63 0110 0910 0000 0915 5800 056 SWIFT ETHN GRAA Menidi department, in the name of the Temple "Panagia Sumela" in Aharne.

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